End Time Pics

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SEX &         PROPHECY





Articles Below

Timing of Tribulation Trumpets
Ark of Gabriel - Antarctica & End Time Prophecy

When is Nuclear War 
Start of the 'Daily   Sacrifice'
End Time Leaders Births and Deaths
Vladislov Surkov... Saviour of Russia
Teacher of Righteousness .

 Dead Sea Scrolls

3 Holy Day Hebrew Festivals & Prophecy
Biblical Design of Petra, .
Mathew 24

 (Last Generation)
120 Days till Harvest
120 Days Barley, Wheat and Grapes Graphics
Vesica Pisces 6,000 Year Time Line
Prophecy TimeLine Reminder

Hawaiian Volcanic Eruptions and Cataclysmic Events

The Design of Time is Prophecy 
Antarctica Mysteries - UFO's & Prophecy ..

Giza, Alignments, Christos Angle, Jesus, Bethlehem, Petra, Geographic Design, Sun
Rise`- Moon Rise, Eclipses, Galactic Cross,
Milky Way, Messianic Star Constellations,

LEVEL 2 & Th

PROPHECY TIME LINESLEVEL 2 & is is paragraph text. Double click here to edit and add your own text.


Memphis will bury you

Upcoming Iran War

Don't Be Political
Jesus destroys viruses
No Disease Shall       Afflict You
Confirmation of Petra   as Kadesh Barnia
Is the Vaccine, the  Mark of the Beast ?
Famine, the Next   Prophetic Event .
Depopulation thru man   made disease
War in Mid East
Alien Disclosure
AC (Illuminati Elite) Solutiom
Covenant of Daniel (Abraham Accord)


JANUARY 2021 ln

Canadian RoadMap

for Pandemic
Mark of the Beast Persecution, is When ?
666 - Mark of the Beast
Who Can Fight the Beast
Don't blame God

Bible Prophecy and September 11, & 21
Prophecy Design. 9/21/ Surkov Birthday
Anti-Christs 'No Desire for Women'
A.C.'s (Surkov) Personality
Original Surkov Letter
Masonic Eye Connections
All Seeing Eye
Bruised Black Eyes of Elites
Evil Eye Curse of Jealousy and Covetness
Evil Eye and Fascimus
Casting an Evil Eye Impossibility
Adenochrome and torturing of innocents
Witches, Curses and Fear

Jesus defeats the Illuminati.. NWO
Messianic Bruising of Snake Head
Orion ' Coming Prince' Astronomy Truths
Ham's Curse and Religious Drinking
Cure for Racism

Witches, Curses and Fear
Either Jesus knew Prophecy or He didn't
Male to Male Military Bonding
Dates and Event Timing
You can't Travel, What do you do ?
Jesus and 144,000 defeat the Illuminati

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This is paragraph text. Double click here to edit and add your own text.

X Compiled QUOTES

The Lords history from Creation til today and onward is NOT an instant INTERJECTION, but all of biblical life shows a PATTERN. Its a thread, a CONTINUUM and not just an isolated event or personage out of no where. The past is an ENSAMPLE to us, we learn from the past, to know the present and understand what to look for in the FUTURE. This to prepare us, for the CULMINATION of all events and all the Lords principles and lessons for the FINALE and CLIMAX of HIS-STORY.

Learn from Genesis and you'll understand better Revelation, all events are foreshadowed, and all prophecy prepares us. Nothing is at random, the Lord always gives us pre-WARNING. The 1st Exodus prepares us for the greater 2nd Exodus. The 1st Gathering prepares us for the greater 2nd Gathering. Moses and Aaron archetype is repeated, David and Jonathon archetype is repeated. Know the pattern, because it re-emerges

READ FROM BOTTOM UP ..... 1 to16


So STOP believing that so called Nature or Evolution created the Earth, and man choose certain city locations on his own, they were destined and followed the Lords pre-ordanined locations and PATTERN. And there are straight lines between them. Study Prophecy ! and DESIGN !



Still don't believe b/c you want to believe evolutionary random-ness rather than DESIGN.

Yet a Great NUMBER of Volcano's like Moana Lao, are on the 19.5 degree latitude b/c there is a double tetrahedron pillar structure supporting the Earth's CRUST there


How did the Sacred Geometers know this way back in the early 2000's and tell me ? They knew Sacred Geometry ? They knew the DESIGN of the EARTH !

As further proof Mauna Loa Volcano inHawaii, is at 19.5° N,

Its not a random latitude, its the weak point in the Earths CRUST


SEE the Graphic Map below

Athens is 180 degrees to Mauna Loa or Half Way around the WORLD in becoming the focus of the volcanic SPLIT of the Earth in the End Time. Again showing the Lord will be returning the focus back to the Mid East, Jerusalem

23.7 plus 155.6= 179.3 d


I'm tired but have to give what I get .. Look on the graphic Map below..

Mauna Loa › Coordinates in Hawaii, Location of 1st Trumpet of Destruction, Rev 8:7
19.4721° N, 155.5922° W
Athens Greece Coordinates
37.9838° N, 23.7275° E

23.7275 plus 155.5922= 179.3197 degrees
Show more


For clarity sake and CONFIRMATION. I again post...20. Here's the truth of aligned citiesRossalyn> Sin Clairs> Rosalyn Chapel>Templars>Grail Chartres>Red Serpent>
End Time Phi>Lat of other Witness North>Russia>Surkov



For do note X marks the spot with the intersection of the TWO AXISES of EVIL, as it falls on NEW YORK, the Big Apple and center of Capitalism, the U.N. and the Old Rulers of the World.

Just overlap these two straight lines, and they cross at New York


So the direction of TIME has a corelation with the Lords prophetic governments in TIME. Making the US, in the Last 10 countries, as she, Fr. and Brit. fall to Russia, the little horn victor in the unilateral nuclear War


King Arthur/8

King Arthur, the below graphics, I made about 20 years ago, and has a correction, as joining NOVA SCOTIA with GIZA, goes thru Rome, the 6th World POWER rather than Athens, Greece (via a fishing line on a globe) onto Georgia (Stones), This called the Axis of EVIL

King Arthur/7

To get the Grail Chalise (CUP), our King Arthur/King David has to know 'Sacred Geometry', to follow the MAP to its destiny to find his destiny.

To make his calling and election, SURE


King Arthur/6

Our King of the End Time, has to have links to fishing, and being a fisher of men.


King Arthur/5

Our Future King Arthur sadly has to have been thru the phase of the 'FISHER KING', and seen destruction of his former kingdom and desolation. He has to have been wounded in his 'loins' and been incapacitated. Then healed before the kingdom and can be fertile again

King Arthur/4

Therefore our Future KING ARTHUR, also called End Time KING DAVID has to have battled the monster of JEALOUSY, numerous times and defeated its evil tentacles before he can establish a new Camelot, a new
Encampment of the Lord.


More later.

King Arthur/3

King Arthur was able to have almost all, but was JEALOUS of Sir Lancelot, and because of this, the kingdom of Camelot was destroyed. The King resorted to the 'LAW' rather than real love, and had Quinevere and her lover Lancelot removed. Then the Lord removed him.

King Arthur/2

His Epitpah read, 'The Once and FUTURE King' as the succession of kings went to him and onward into the End Time.

Why because the Lord's lineage of the Promises to King David of Old has to be fulfilled.Image

King Arthur/1

Before getting back to Sarah, the Lords child by Mary Magdalene.

King Arthur of Glastonbury, was tall, being the same height as myself... I found this..according to his bones at the Abbey

King Arthur
Arthur Pendragon   Height: 6 ft. 4 in.

Dear Fellow Templar Knights


As it seems you are just going thru the motions of ritualistic remembrance of DAYS GONE BY, and NOW have no destiny, NO AIM, can I suggest your PRESENT END TIME QUEST and PURPOSE

Because you of all people are suppose to know and have the KNOWLEDGE OF THE POWER of whats ahead, its called the LORDS PROPHECY.

You have to know how your Templar Past fits into the Lord's Present MOVEMENT and DIRECTION. You helped past faithful travelers to the Temple Mount, and so again are you suppose to do the SAME. Its the Lord's PATTERN, repeated but for an even greater PURPOSE.

The Lord's 144,000 have to GATHER in and around Jerusalem.


For even if all you know is Mathew 24, it is sufficient to tell you that your Commander has ordered us to Gather and then Exodus from there. You are to protect these faithful in getting there and traveling southward. They need your protection, and the Lord gave you our Templar forefathers as your example. Onward Christian Soldiers... do your duty. Get prepared