Missing Ingredient Dream

Trixie,(Jasper) my wife got this dream from the Lord back in the late 90's.... We  were off to see a lady who would confirm to Trixie, what the third ingredient to her recipe was. (My wife is a great cook,but this recipe was different, a spiritual recipe, an Elixir, that only this lady could confirm.And after a few harrowing adventures, where I got squished by a passing truck (Fulfilled in 2016 with a serious accident involving a big black truch t-boning my van) and yet Trixie ordered me to get up, get up, GET UP). 'We have a mission to do' and so on her third command, I got up, shook the dust off myself and followed behind her. (Fulfilled when she woke me up out of my Ten Day COMMA) Mind you apparently I got tripped off with admiring nature, the birds and bees etc. as I followed but we did make it to the Lady. (And who is the LADY, you guessed it the Feminine Holy Spirit) And she said to Trixie, YES the third ingredient is the milk of the coconut, fresh and pure and clean. As together with the rice and the sugar, with these three ingredients you can make a white full cake or bread. (Also compare Trixie's very sexual dream about the Three loaves of Bread... IE Think - Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost for they are ONE and their union is sexual .... SEE Silver Bullet and Dancing Bread. as well as her cooking for the Lord himself at Lord and the Orchard )